first of may

美 [fɜːrst əv meɪ]英 [fɜːst ɒv meɪ]
  • 网络五月一日;五月一号
first of mayfirst of may


observed in many countries to celebrate the coming of spring;observed in Russia and related countries in honor of labor
Synonym: May Day May 1


  1. The Expo will be held on the first of May and end on the thirtieth of October .


  2. The first of May is international labour day .


  3. West Africa has not had a case since the first of May .


  4. The first of May is a holiday .


  5. But guess we 'll cry come first of may .


  6. On the first of May every year , the villagers would make merry in the village , dancing , singing and drinking .


  7. Introduce the necessity and feasibility of editing standard ; confirm YB / T5194-2003 in operation on the first of May .


  8. In three weeks the worst was over , but it was nearly the first of May before his strength permitted him to be turned out .


  9. They left home early in May , and none of them returned till the first of May in the following year , and then only three of them .


  10. They made her leader in their games , and she was chosen to be the May queen when the first of may came round , all because her father was a sailorman in that village where hardly anyone had even seen the sea .


  11. You may be working hard during the first part of May .


  12. No one shall buy meat in the first week of May .


  13. During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan .


  14. Yet by the first week of May , the initial excitement had subsided .


  15. It is important that I am in Ghana in the First week of May to organize the tour .


  16. That no slave should be carried into it who had been imported into the United States since the first day of may , 1798 .


  17. He 's even advertising in Oregon , a state that he should win , where voting by mail begins in the first week of May .


  18. During the first week of may ! Went on a holiday to sichuan . first , found some photos of interesting places which were not too far away from chengdu .


  19. Through the modern , we first of all may analyze the total travelling income of Nanking , and then according to the analysis , we think out some ways of increasing the travelling income .


  20. The emergency measures coincide with the country 's " Golden Week " holiday , which runs from late April to the first week of May and is the busiest travel period of the year .


  21. Even though Mercury will not technically be retrograde in the first week of May , this planet will be moving at a crawl at that time and only get even slower as you go along .


  22. You won 't know exactly how they are changing until a few weeks after the retrograde period is over , so in April and the first half of May you will need to watch and wait .


  23. According to spring wheat 's water niche suitability , the first half of May is the first damage threshold of water stress , and the period of time from the last ten days of May to the early June is the second one .


  24. It seems obvious that the number of rainy days occured during the period from the end of April to the end of May , especially in the first part of May , is a decisive factor for the epiphytotics of the disease .


  25. In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft


  26. National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May .


  27. Your first batch of results may be discouraging , but never mind , they 'll improve .


  28. Conclusion : Psychological nursing care applied in pre-hospital first aid of AMI may have important effect .


  29. Chinese investors opened almost 5m new share trading accounts in the first two weeks of May alone , Macquarie said .


  30. For the first two weeks of May work with endings through closure rituals , forgiveness , and practice compassion .
